Posted in blogging, Life

Monthly Wrap-Up for August!

I’ve never done a monthly recap before so let’s just see how this goes?? Bare with me, please.

Hello, people of the internet!

Oh my god my first wrap-up post I am so excited let’s do this.

August was a pretty busy month for me. I participated in the Scribbler’s Challenge (hosted by the amazing May), did a bunch of extra-curricular activities for school, read around six books… good enough, overall.

Anyway, let’s

Image result for lets wrap this up gifs
I have been waiting to use this GIF for so long omggg.

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I read six books in August… not as many as I would have liked to, but I have to study for a bunch of stuff (ugh Aris why do you participate in so many events). BUT – I decided to finally listen to my friend and read the series he’d been raving about. I actually wasn’t disappointed?? It was really good!!

I also re-read a bunch of books because I forgot most of the stuff: Six of Crows, Crooked Kingdom, and the Song of Achilles. Omggg the feelssss. I completely forgot how much they both had destroyed me when I first read them??? I cry.

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what i read

Image result for only time will tell     Image result for the sins of the father jeffrey archer

Image result for best kept secret jeffrey archer     Image result for be careful what you wish for jeffrey archer

Image result for jeffrey archer cat o'nine tales     Image result for the strange and beautiful sorrows of ava lavender

As you can see, there’s a lot of Jeffrey Archer… he’s an author I got into recently, and absolutely adore. His writings are more adult than young adult (there’s lots of politics and economics and death), but they’re so beautiful?? Like, he explains so much stuff in just one line. AND THE PLOT TWISTS OMGGG. So. Unexpected. Warning: if you don’t like cliffhangers, don’t read these books.

The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender was also an amazing read – I really loved the writing style, and the narration of the story. It was extremely unique. (I talked a lot about it in my previous post, too.)

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favourite book of the month?

Ooh, probably  Be Careful What You Wish For.  It made me cry a bit, THE PLOT TWISTS OMG, and a bunch of shit went down. It was awesome.

least favourite book of the month?

Oh, this is hard to pick. I think I had an overall good reading month?? But, um, Cat O’ Nine Tails wasn’t as good as Archer’s other books. (I still enjoyed it, though.)

favourite fanfiction of the month?

I read this really good fanfiction (which isn’t complete yet why do you this to me) which has me damaged omg. It’s a Hamilton fic, called “it feels more like a memory“. And, of course, the related fic: “musical, round 3“. They’re both by savrenim 🙂

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  • 5 posts
  • 203 visitors
  • I don’t really know what to make of these stats xD I guess they’re?? okay??
  • They’re much better than July, my visitors have doubled since then: so I guess that’s nice 😀
  • I got lots of views on some posts, and less on others – which helped me see which ones you guys like reading more of! (Funny stuff; and books. Yeah it’s kind of vague but still.)
  • I made a lot of list posts, for some reason? Like, there were lots of posts which had lists of books for a particular occasion. I had to a bunch of research for it, but it was all fun 🙂

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top posts of the month?

headers     fiercefangirlfriday

favourite post of the month?


other amazing posts

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  • I PARTICIPATED IN THE SCRIBBLER’S CHALLENGE!!!!  It was so much fun omggg. I was partnered with Chelsea, and she is so nice and gives amazing feedback it was great working with her 😀
  • I think it helped me improve my writing, a lot! I don’t exactly hate the things I wrote, so if you want to read them, click here.
  • Other than that, I wrote one more chapter of my WIP?? It’s not much but I was kind of busy with the Challenge and school and stuff.
  • Wow there’s not much writing in my life.

Image result for writing gifs

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  • My best friend (Onyx) broke up with me :(( so that sucked. BUUUUT I NOW HAVE A NEW (sort-of) best friend. His name is Jun and he’s not lame xD
  • I went to a book fair!! Actually it’s not a big deal because it happens like every year and I go every time but still. BOOKS. (I’ll make a book haul post soon, I’m too lazy to do it now – I bought like a suitcase full of books omg.)
  • I made a robot dog for a school project so that was cool I guess
  • I actually have no idea what to put in here
  • Oh wait I also made art. Here, take a look:
tongue tied
I heard the song “Tongue Tied” by Grouplove and I loved it so I made art. Eh. It could have been better. :/
ari and dante
OMG ARIDANTE I CRI. I’m kind of proud of this one?? I think it’s good. 🙂
boyf riends art
ahh this is my favourite. it’s based on the “boyf riends” headcanon in the be more chill fandom. ❤ 

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  • I’d say August was pretty good! I had a bunch of life-changing incidents (okay, maybe I’m exaggerating. But the thing with Onyx had me shook), read some really good books, got some writing done, made some new friends. I liked it 🙂
  • But omggg September is going to be horribleeee. I have midterms. *groans*
  • Oh, woe is me.

Let's chat

How was your August? (Link me your recaps!) Read any good books? Any bad ones? Got plot bunnies? Anything interesting?? What are you doing in September? (I’m guessing that most of you are starting school ugh lucky.)

going offline, aris


writer with a flair for the dramatic

25 thoughts on “Monthly Wrap-Up for August!

  1. I love recaps! This was one was so much fun!! THAT ART IS ACTUALLY SO AMAZING I AM MELTING! Thanks for linking to my post (though it wasn’t MY favourite of the month) PUSHEEEEEN! And oh The Scribbler’s Challenge WAS. SO MUCH FUn!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ohmygoodness!! Your art is so freaking amazing!! I wish I could draw like that! ❤ Anyway, hope you loooove Lord of Shadows but be prepared to drown in FEELS!!


  3. your art is so cuteeeeee i love the ari/dante one even though i’ve never read ari/dante… *hides behind couch*

    thank you for linking to my postttt ❤ ❤

    also you made a robot dog? that sounds so cool what even i want to be all high-techy and stuff XD

    also that sucks with the breaking-up-with-friends thing. one of my closest friends broke up with me in march this year, and i was so sHOOK TBH even though i was kind of expecting it :/

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you!! 😀 Also you should read as soon as possible because it’s really good xD

    your post was awesome 😀

    it was a school project lmao so my friends and i decided to make a solar-powered robot dog xD

    yeah, i guess i should have seen this coming but eh :/

    Liked by 1 person

  5. OH MY GOD YOUR ARTTTTTTTTTTTT ❤ ❤ I absolutely adore that Ari and Dante one MY HEART IS SCREAMING. And I'm so glad you enjoyed The Scribbler's Challenge!! ❤ I'll definitely have to check out that Hamilton fic ahaha. And NOOOO WHY DID YOUR BEST FRIEND BREAK UP WITH YOOOOOU. 😥 Hope you have a great September, and good luck on midterms!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. THANK YOUUUUU ❤ 😀 I touched it up on my computer and digitized it so it looks better now 🙂 It was lots of fun!! Be prepared for feels if you decide to read the fic, it broke my heart ;-; AND I KNOW IT SUCKS :(( Thanks!! I need it lol

    Liked by 1 person

  7. The last book you posted on the books you’ve read has a very nice book cover. I’m sure it would totally get my attention if I saw it at a local bookstore. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Ahh I reread Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom toooo THEY WERE FABULOUS. I drowned in feels. AGAIN. ❤ ❤ Also YESSS for Lord of Shadows!! I haven't read it yet but I KNOW IT WILL BE GREAT AND I'M SQUEALING! 😀 Your art is absolutely GORGEOUS and I love it!!! TEACH ME HOW TO ART PLEASE. Thanks so much for linking to my post lovely!! I loved reading this recap so much, I hope you have a fabulous September! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I KNOW RIGHT?? IT’S SO AMAZING ❤ I can't start reading Lord of Shadows until midterms are over :(( But it's only three weeks!! Still excited 😀 AND THANK YOUUU ❤ Actually I used to be terrible at art but then I got help from a friend xD Your post was amazing so of course I had to share it!! Thank you, I hope you do to 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    I haven’t read Ari and dante yet, but this makes me want to 😀
    Lord of Shadows is responsible for my death, it breaks souls.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Ooh a recap! I haven’t heard of any of Jeffery Archers books but I do love a good cliff hanger (Even if they can rip your soul out at times!) The strange and beautiful sorrows of Ava Lavender looks really good too! Plus that cover is BEAUTIFUL! Your art is very cool too! great post! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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